User guide

to be adjusted together since their individual influences over Vapor’s sound are interdependent to some
extent. For instance, you may find that decreasing the RATE when you increase the DEPTH produces a better
3. Delay Time
The DELAY TIME knob sets the lengths of the delays used within Vapor’s diffusers. Turning the knob clockwise
increases the delay times and generally makes the effect sound thicker or more smeared-out. If both the
Delay time and Diffusion knobs are turned to a fairly high value, Vapor's output will sound somewhat like a
reverb processor.
The delay knob interacts with the DEPTH knob in the sense that at longer delay times the modulation LFOs
change the delays over longer time intervals. In other words, the effect of the LFO modulation will be more
audibly apparent at higher settings of the DELAY TIME knob.
4. Diffusion
The DIFFUSION knob controls how much Vapor softens or smears the audio passing through it. If this knob is
rotated fully counter-clockwise, the diffusers act essentially like short delays and Vapor will produce an effect
similar to a simple chorus processor. Rotating the knob clockwise increases the amount that Vapor smears the
audio. At high settings of the DIFFUSION knob, Vapor’s effect becomes somewhat like reverberation.
5. Mix
The MIX knob controls the relative amounts of the original, unprocessed (dry) signal and the processed (wet)
signal in Vapor's output. Use this knob to control the overall amount of the chorusing effect. When the knob is
rotated fully counter-clockwise, you'll hear only the original signal. As you rotate the knob clockwise, the
amount of wet signal increases and the amount of dry signal decreases. At the center "12 o'clock" position,
there is an equal amount of wet and dry signal in the output. If you rotate the knob fully clockwise, you'll hear
only the processed signal. The best setting for this knob will vary widely depending on your source material,
the overall sound character you're trying to achieve, and the settings of the other knobs, so try everything
from just a touch to 100% wet.