User Manual

Breath Noise: the amount of breath noise (this becomes more audible when notes
are played with low Expression values.)
Dirtiness: the amount of sound jitter produced by a random component of the
modeled lips’ vibration (this is more audible when notes are played with high
Expression values).
Mute Size: the size of the mute/cup, if selected (see “Mutes”).
Mute Tone: the tone of the mute/cup, if selected (see “Mutes”).
Dynamic Sens.: Dynamic Sensitivity - this controls the scaling of the overall dynamic
of the sound produced, which is affected by the Expression, the strength of the
attacks, and other elements. Note that this is different to simply rescaling the
Expression using a MIDI remapping, as Expression does not affect the attacks
(unless “Attack Control” is set to “Expression”) and some transitions.
Master Tuning
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
Copyright © 2020 – Audio Modeling® - SWAM engine® - All rights reserved.