User Manual

Known issues
MPE MIDI profile: pitch-bend not working after a retriggered note, i.e. when
releasing a note while the previous was held. Workaround: use your MPE controller
in Single Channel mode, and set “Legacy” MIDI Profile on SWAM.
Microtuning: selection of notes to detune by Key-Switches and External Controller
not implemented yet.
0.5x and 0.75x display ratios can exhibit minor graphical issues.
Window resizing for plugins: close and reopen the plugin window to apply the new
Technical Support
Before requesting technical support, please make sure that you have carefully read the User
Manual and the FAQs on our Support Center:
There you will quickly find appropriate answers to most questions.
Should you still need technical support, please contact the SWAM support at or open a Ticket through the Support Center.
Note: Please ensure that you enter your email address carefully — it is not possible to reply
to an incorrect email address.
When requesting technical support, please do not forget to provide as much system
information as possible, including your type of computer, OS, audio interface, host
application, software version, etc. If the problem can be replicated, a MIDI and/or an audio
file is usually very helpful.
Please include a reference to either the order number or one of the License Keys.
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
Copyright © 2020 – Audio Modeling® - SWAM engine® - All rights reserved.