User Manual

Using an appropriate range of Expression
This is an extremely important aspect for getting the optimal expressiveness and realism
with virtual instruments.
All real instruments require a much greater degree of effort to achieve the highest possible
dynamics for that instrument. This is not the case for most physical MIDI controllers; it is
indeed very easy to push an expression pedal, or a slider, to the maximum and leave it
there forever. Oddly enough, even breath and wind controllers tend to jump very easily to
the highest dynamics (unless carefully set), so that the most expressive range (mp to mf) is
seldom exploited. This results all too often in the virtual instrument being played in an
excessive range of dynamics, leading unavoidably to a poor, unrealistic performance.
Please keep in mind that the key to expressiveness and realism is a proper use of dynamics.
Always monitor the input expression value on the main display and adjust the dynamics
accordingly. A useful trick is to set the overall monitoring volume fairly high. This
automatically prevents any inclination toward over using dynamics.
It is also important to optimize the general volume of your loudspeakers/headphones at an
average value of Expression. Too low an output level would easily induce the user to use
high Expression levels, usually yielding excessively “biting” sounds.
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
Copyright © 2020 – Audio Modeling® - SWAM engine® - All rights reserved.