User Manual

Pedal notes
On brass instruments
Timbre adjustments
It is possible to adjust timbre through a variety of parameters on the “Timbre” page: “Bell
Resonance”, “Breath Noise”, “Dirtiness”.
“Dynamic Sens.” adjusts the amount that the Expression level changes the spectral
character of the sound in the higher harmonics. The higher this parameter is set, the more
“Brassy” the sound will be.
Mutes and cups are represented within the instruments by physical models, rather than
impulse response presets which means that you can tweak, build and reshape them to find
the desired character!
On the Timbre page you can control the “Mute/Cup Size” and “Mute/Cup Tone”.
With these totally physically-modeled instruments it is possible to play three different
vibrato styles by simply combining the Vibrato Amount (which is by default assigned to the
ModWheel) and Expression:
Classical Vibrato: use a low Vibrato Amount for the whole Expression range.
Jazzy Vibrato: use a high Vibrato Amount during Expression diminuendo at the end
of a note, just before release, for the low to mid note range.
Shake Vibrato: use a high Vibrato Amount during high Expression for mid to high
note range.
Instrument parameters
All parameters have been grouped in six categories:
Expressivity: parameters that allow the physical player’s expressivity to affect the
Play modes: parameters that act on the details of how the emulated player plays the
Timbre: parameters that affect the instrument’s timbre.
Pitch: Master Tuning, Pitch, Transposition and microtonal settings.
Advanced: additional parameters, especially for expert users.
Effects: audio signal processing applied at the final stage.
The most common and important parameters are presented in the main GUI.
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
Copyright © 2020 – Audio Modeling® - SWAM engine® - All rights reserved.