User Manual

Unison Anti-Phasing (for unison ensembles): same as in the Main GUI.
Panpot Type:
Dyn1, Dyn2 - emulates small movements of the player.
Acoustic - adjusts the position of the instrument in the sound field, but does
not affect the reverb.
Balance - affects both the instrument and the reverb.
Release Time: the time (measured in milliseconds) that breath continues for after
Dynamic Pitch: how much the pitch varies during a fast change of expression.
Auto Expression: controls the amount of automatic expression applied during
transitions between notes.
Vibr. Rand. Rate (Vibrato Random Rate): controls how much randomness is applied
to the rate of vibrato.
Vibrato Fade In: how long (in milliseconds) it takes for the vibrato to reach the final
amount after each note-on.
Dynamic Resonance: main dynamic resonance.
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
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