User Manual

Random Lips: controls how much randomness is applied to the tuning and tension of
the player’s modeled lips.
Portamento Max Time: controls the portamento time, set to OFF to disable
portamento (no portamento when this value is < 1,5).
MIDI Profile:
MPE: for MIDI Polyphonic Expression compatible devices.
Legacy: MIDI 1.0 devices.
Attack Control - how the attack of the note is controlled:
Vel. Hard - controlled strongly by the note-on velocity.
Vel. Soft - controlled weakly by the note-on velocity.
Expression - controlled by the shape of expression control.
Portamento Control:
Velocity: the portamento time is controlled by the note-on velocity of
overlapping notes.
CC: the portamento time is controlled by a MIDI Continuous Control (such as
Control Change, AfterTouch, NRPN).
Breath Ctrl Mode (Breath Control Mode):
ON: suitable for Breath Controllers, allows the player to produce another
note attack, using the breath envelope, while holding a note.
Breath Ctrl Attack Sens.: (Breath Control Attack Sensitivity) controls the sensitivity of
the note-on attack strength for notes triggered in Breath Control Mode.
Pitch Bend Curve
ON: non-linear pitch-bend, for better pitch control especially when using a
physical controller which is separate to the playing surface, so there is no
correspondence between the controller and the note positions.
OFF: linear pitch-bend (recommended for devices which integrate the pitch
bend control with the playing surface, so the pitch-bend movements on the
surface correspond directly with notes. Many current MPE devices fall into
this category).
KS MIDI Channel (Key Switches MIDI Channel): select which MIDI channel will be
used to receive key switch information. Select from channel 1 to 16 or ANY.
KS Octave (Key Switches Octave Transpose): allows you to transpose the Key
Switches to begin in the octave from C-1 to C2, or turn off key switches (OFF).
KS Velocity Remap (Key Switches Velocity Remapping): since some Key Switches are
velocity-dependent, this parameter controls the distribution of the thresholds
between states.
Receive MIDI Channel: is the MIDI channel the sound generator receives notes and
controllers that affects the sound (default is ANY). Note that this can be different
from Key Switches MIDI Channel, so it is possible to control Key Switches from a
different device. For MPE Devices this is forced to ANY.
SWAM Solo Brass - v1.0.1
Copyright © 2020 – Audio Modeling® - SWAM engine® - All rights reserved.