User Manual

SWAM Solo Strings v2.1.0 - User Manual rev. 1
Just selects if you want a “Slow” tremolo or a “Fast” tremolo. If the Tremolo Mode” is set to “Sync”
or “Sync/Acc”, the tremolo will be synchronized with the project tempo (BPM). Custom accents can
be performed by acting on the expression (expression “spikes” on the desired strokes).
Be sure that the “Manual Trem/BowC KS” option is set to “Trem”; press and release the Key Switch
C# while playing the notes; a bow-change is performed at both note-on and note-off.
You can adjust the “BowPressure” in order to obtain a smooth or hard tremolo.
Set the Gesture Mode to Bowing and move your expression controller back and forth.
Standard Crescendo: Cresendo is performed acting just on the Expression, starting from a low value
and increasing it as desired.
Wider Crescendo: A wider effect can be obtained mapping the Bow Pressure parameter to the same
CC that controls the Expression (see MIDI mapping Page, page 16). For example:
- Expression: CC 11 Min = 0, Max = 127
- Bow Pressure: CC 11 Min = 55, Max = 80
Start “from nothing” (fade-in): set the Expression to zero, hit the key with a very low value of the
velocity (under MIDI value 10), increase the Expression as desired.