User Manual

SWAM Woodwinds v2.9.0 - User Manualrev. 1
Main controls vs. articulations
- Initial attack (for detached notes)
- Portamento time (for legato, if Transit.Time button is set to Velocity)
(CC11, CC2, CC7 or other CCs set on the MIDI Mappingpage) controls the dynamics
(from pp to ff)
Mod wheel
(CC1) controls the vibrato intensity
controls the vibrato rate
Pitch bend
controls the pitch. The pitch bend range (downwards upwards, in semitones) can be
directly set by the user in the main GUI (see page 7).
Staccato, semi legato, and legato articulations are managed by a special algorithm which takes into
- Note velocity
- Interval between the notes (semitones).
- Time between Note-Off and subsequent Note-On
All the assigned MIDI CC numbers can be modified in the MIDI mappingpage
GUI parameter controls
There are three types of controls in the main instrument GUI that allow you to conveniently enter
- Sliders
- +/- Buttons
- Switches
Set the desired value either by:
- dragging the slider (while holding the left mouse button) or
- moving the slider with the mouse wheel
+/- Buttons
The values can be set in 3 different ways:
- Clicking on
- Using the mouse wheel to change values via the label (small steps), or on the +/- buttons (larger
- Vertically dragging the mouse after clicking on the displayed value
Double-clicking on the slider or on the number displayed beside the +/- button reloads the
previously saved or default settings.