User Manual

SWAM Woodwinds v2.9.0 - User Manualrev. 1
Advanced Parameters
Attack to Sust Time:
Affects the velocity-dependent duration of the transition from attack
to sustain.
Auto Expr:
The slider controls the depth of legato transitions.
Note: Transition (legato) time is controlled by velocity (or CC5, if in
wind controller mode). The velocity response can be set using the
“Transition Vel Sens” slider. The maximum transition time can be set
using the “Transition Max Time” slider (see below).
Legato Mode:
Two different types of legato can be selected:
Expr straight legato (no portamento).
Gliss legato with portamento (glissando).
The currently selected mode is indicated in the status window in the
Main GUI.
Transition Max Time:
Maximum duration of portamento, i.e. the duration of a
legato/portamento transition played at the lowest velocity. If set to the
minimum (“No Port”), portamento is never performed.
Transition Vel Sens:
Controls the relationship between velocity and portamento duration
(only if the Port.Time button on the Main Instrument GUI is set to
Vibrato Rate:
Vibrato Rate (also controlled by CC19).
Vibrato Rand:
Randomization of vibrato intensity and rate.
Squeak -> Overblow:
Crossfade between a brief squeak on attack (“S”), or a longer
Overblow (“O”), if Overblow is triggered by a CC (CC Default: Sus
Pedal). Not active if the Overblow is triggered by the Keyswitch (D1 or
D#1, see below) [Squeak does not apply for Flutes].
Expression Curve:
For handling linear or logarithmic expression controllers (e.g. pedal)
and optimizing the overall expression controller curve.
Pan Behavior:
Selects the pan behavior of the instrument vs. reverb (“Dyn1” and
“Dyn2”: mimics little movements of the player with different
intensities, pan does not affect the reverb; Acoustic”: the player is
static, pan does not affect the reverb; “Balance”: the player is static,
pan affects both the instrument and the reverb).