User Manual

SWAM Woodwinds v2.9.0 - User Manualrev. 1
When you begin playing, you may receive a warning message reminding you
that an expression
controller (preferably CC11, CC7, CC2 or AfterTouch for tactile devices like the Seaboard or the
LinnStrument) is absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the instrument:
By default, the software assigns the expression control to CC11 if in keyboard mode, and to CC2 if
in wind controller or breath controller mode. These default settings can be changed manually. For
example, if you wish to use a volume pedal to control the expression, just open the “MIDI mapping”
page (clicking on the "Options" button and then on “MIDI mapping” button) and set the Expression
CC to 7. If needed, this assignment can be permanently stored as a preset (see below). Automatic
assignment is also possible. Just open the “MIDI mapping” page and activate the Learnbutton
next to the “Expression” MIDI CC mapping entry. In this mode, the instrument recognizes the first
incoming CC number and automatically assigns it to the Expression setting.
The loaded preset will be displayed as "Default <instrument> Keyb.Cntrl”. These settings are
suitable for playing the instrument with a MIDI (or USB) keyboard, expression pedal, pitch bend and
mod wheel.
When using a breath controller, please select the preset "Default <instrument> Breath Cntrl, or
click on "Reset” -> “Default Breath Controller". If you are using a wind controller (e.g. EWI, WX or
Sylphyo), please load the preset: "Default <instrument> Wind.Cntrl, or click on "Reset” -> Default
Wind Controller". The Expression setting is automatically remapped to CC2. Please note that in WC
mode the legato/portamento time is per default controlled by CC5.
The Seaboard by ROLI and the LinnStrument by Roger Linn are also supported, and there are
specific Default presets for them too.