User's Manual

Chapter 17: Bluetooth I/O
138 APx500 User’s Manual
volume to the rendering device (speaker or head-
phones). The rendering device responds with a notifi-
cation of the current absolute volume level.
APx supports features of Absolute Volume Control in
both the AVCRP Controller (A2DP sink) and Target
(A2DP source) profiles.
AVCRP Controller profile
In the AVRCP Controller profile, APx acts as a A2DP
rendering device (a sink such as a speaker or head-
phone), receiving an audio stream from a remote
media player. APx uses AVRCP Commands to control
the remote media player.
When the AVRCP Controller profile is selected, the
Absolute Volume checkbox on the Bluetooth Settings
panel allows you to enable or disable Absolute Vol-
ume. This setting is enabled by default. Toggling this
setting will disconnect any active connection.
When Absolute Volume is enabled in the AVRCP Con-
troller profile and the remote Target (source) device
supports Absolute Volume, you can navigate to Actions
> A2DP Sink/AVRCP > Absolute Volume to open a dia-
log to set an Absolute Volume level value, which can
be read by the remote AVRCP Target device. Values
are integers from 0-127. If the Target device does not
support Absolute Volume, this control is unavailable. a sequence
When the AVRCP Controller profile is selected, a
sequence step is available to set the Absolute Volume
level on the A2DP sink device. When the step is
included in a sequence and loaded on an APx ana-
lyzer that does not support Absolute Volume, an error
occurs when the step is executed. When the step is
included in a sequence and loaded on an analyzer
that supports Absolute Volume, but connected to a
remote device that does not support it, an error
occurs when the step is executed.
In a sequence when the AVRCP Controller profile is
selected, and the remote AVRCP Target device sup-
ports Absolute Volume, the Absolute Volume level set
in the local A2DP sink device (the APx analyzer) is dis-
played on the report for each measurement in the
AVRCP Target profile
In the AVRCP Target profile, APx acts as an A2DP
source device, sending an audio stream to a remote
rendering device (speaker or headphones). APx
responds to AVRCP Commands sent from the remote
rendering device.
When the AVRCP Target profile is selected, the Abso-
lute Volume checkbox on the Bluetooth Settings panel
allows you to enable or disable Absolute Volume. This
setting is enabled by default. Toggling this setting will
disconnect any active connection.
When Absolute Volume is enabled in the AVRCP Tar-
get profile and the remote AVRCP Controller (sink)
device supports Absolute Volume, you can navigate to
Actions >A2DP Sink/AVRCP > Absolute Volume to
open a dialog to send an Absolute Volume command
to the remote AVRCP Controller device. Values are
integers from 0-127. If the remote AVRCP Controller
device does not support Absolute Volume, this control
is unavailable.
When the AVRCP Target profile is selected, and the
remote AVRCP Controller device reports its Absolute
Volume level, the level is read and displayed in the APx
Bluetooth Monitor. If the remote device does not sup-
port Absolute Volume control, the Bluetooth Monitor
indicates “N/A” for this value.
When the AVRCP Target profile is selected, a nested
sweep parameter called “Absolute Volume” is avail-
able. This parameter allows the AVRCP Controller
(A2DP sink) device manufacturer to test audio output
at various levels, plotted on one graph. a sequence
When the AVRCP Target profile is selected, a sequence
step is available to set the Absolute Volume level on
the remote device. When the step is included in a
sequence, and loaded on an APx analyzer which does
not support Absolute Volume, an error occurs when
the step is executed. When the step is included in a
sequence, and loaded on an analyzer that does sup-
port Absolute Volume, but the remote device does not
support it, an error occurs when the step is executed.
In a sequence when the AVRCP Target profile is
selected and the remote AVRCP Controller device sup-
ports Absolute Volume, the Absolute Volume level
reported by the remote device is read by APx and dis-
played on the report for each measurement in the
Commands Change Generator
When APx is configured for A2DP Source AVRCP Tar-
get, the APx generator can now respond to certain
AVRCP commands.
AVCRP Target profile
In the AVRCP Target profile, APx acts as an A2DP
source device, sending an audio stream to a remote
rendering device (speaker or headphones). APx
responds to AVRCP Commands sent from the remote
rendering device.
When the AVRCP Target profile is selected, the Com-
mands Change Generator Settings checkbox on
the Bluetooth Settings panel allows you to enable or
disable this feature. This setting is enabled by default.