Instruction manual

An amplifier that is too powerful can de-
stroy speakers and one that is too weak
can also have the same effect. The am-
plifier is the motor in your sound system;
it drives your speakers. Here are some
helpful hints on how to get the most out
of your amp – for your speakers and for
your listening pleasure.
Every time you turn up the volume, even
slightly, the output from your amplifier
doubles. For most amplifiers, a volume
setting at 2 o’clock produces the opti-
mal output. If you increase the volume
further, the distortion, not the output, will
increase and your sound quality will de-
teriorate. When an amplifier has to work
too hard, the output to the speakers may
be substantially affected. Unfortunately,
you can’t always tell something is wrong
until it is too late and your speakers have
Keep in mind that when the volume
is set at around 2 o’clock, you must be
very careful. If the amplifier’s bass or
treble control is also turned up to its
highest level, the amplifier will reach its
maximum capacity sooner, perhaps at
the 12 o’clock position.
Consider this: an increase in the bass
by 6 dB, for example, means that the
amplifier delivers an output that is four
times greater than the normal level.