Instruction manual

Home theater formats
Dolby Pro Logic is used primarily for TV broad-
casts and VHS, since it is analog. The system
builds on four channels that are recoded to a two-
channel stereo signal during production. During
playbacks, the process is repeated in reverse, so
that the two channels become four.
A digital sound system. The sound track can only
be stored on digital media, such as DVDs. The
most common is the 5.1 format, which consists
of six separate channels. Channel “1” is for a very
deep bass.
One of Dolbys competitors. On the home theater
market, the DTS format does not have as broad
a market share in DVDs as does Dolby Digital, in
spite of the fact that many people believe that DTS
provides a much better acoustic image.
DOLBY 6.1 AND 7.1
Both Dolby and DTS have developed sound sys
tems that can support several speakers in a home
theater setting. The 6.1 format encompasses 7
separate channels, which means that the back
speakers share space with a third channel. In the
7.1 format, the entire configuration shifts, creating
a different acoustic image, with seven speakers:
three in front, one each to your right and your left,
and two behind you.
THX is one standard for how a movie’s sounds
and images can be presented at their best. There-
fore, products that wish to use the THX logo on
their products or movie theaters must be certified
by Lucasfilm. THX is not a sound system, but
rather a quality guarantee.