Owner`s manual

How to Connect Analog Audio Components
for eight channels
The MX136 accepts Analog Audio and Digital Audio Sig-
nal Inputs. It is important to connect the Analog Outputs
along with the Digital Audio Signal Output from source
components connected to the MX136. This will assure the
audio from the source component is available to the REC
Outputs and Zone B Outputs.
1. Connect balanced cables from the MX136 ZONE A
BALANCED OUTPUTS to the McIntosh Seven Chan-
nel Power Amplifier Balanced Inputs, making sure to
match up the channel identifications between both units.
Note: In place of the Balanced Audio Cables, unbalanced
cables or a DB25 cable may be used.
2. Connect a cable from the MX136 Analog Audio IN-
PUTS (Input 11) to the McIntosh 2 CH Audio Outputs
of the McIntosh AUDIO VIDEO Player.
3. Connect balanced cables from the MX136 ZONE
A BALANCED INPUTS 1 to the McIntosh Bal-
anced Audio Outputs of the McIntosh AUDIO
VIDEO Player.
4. Connect cables from the MX136 EXTERNAL Au-
dio INPUTS to the McIntosh 5.1CH Audio Out-
puts of the McIntosh AUDIO VIDEO Player.
5. Connect a cable from the MX136 Left and Right
Analog Audio INPUTS (Input 6) to the Left and
Right Analog Audio Outputs of the Satellite Re-
6. Connect a cable from the MX136 VCR1 Audio
OUTPUTS (Output 9) to the VCR Audio Input.
7. Connect a cable from the MX136 VCR1 Audio IN-
PUTS (Input 9) to the VCR Audio Output.
8. Connect a cable from the MX136 LV Audio IN-
PUTS (Input 8) to the Digital Audio Recorder Ana-
log Output.
9. Connect a cable from the MX136 VCR2 Audio
OUTPUTS (Output 10) to Digital Audio Recorder Ana-
log Input.
10. Connect a cable from the MX136 ZONE A SUBwoofer
OUTPUTS to the McIntosh Powered Subwoofer Line
In Jack.
Analog OUT
Digital Audio Recorder
Analog IN
McIntosh Audio/Video Player