Owner`s manual

Input Format
A. If the input signal source is Eight Channel Discrete,
the front panel INPUT FORMAT LEDs L, C, R, LS,
LFE, RS and S will illuminate. Refer to figure 34.
B. If a Digital Input Signal
Source is 2 Channel Sur-
round Encoded, the front
LEDs L, R and S will il-
Note: This will only
occur when the
MODE is in
C. If the Analog Input Signal Source is Stereo, the IN-
PUT FORMAT LEDs L and R will illuminate.
D. If an Analog Input Signal Source is Mono, both chan-
nels will be receiving the mono signal and the INPUT
FORMAT LEDs L and R will illuminate.
Operating Mode Displays
E. The DOLBY DIGITAL Display will illuminate when
the input contains Dolby Digital Encoded Signals.
Refer to figure 35.
F. The EX (Dolby
Digital) Display
will illuminate
when the input
contains Dolby
Digital EX En-
coded Signals.
G. The PRO
play will illumi-
nate when the
Surround Mode Selector is turned to CINEMA1 or
MUSIC 1 positions.
H. The DIGITAL SIGNAL Display will illuminate when
the MX136 is processing a Digital Encoded Signal.
I. The DTS Display will illuminate when the input con-
tains DTS Encoded Signals.
J. The DTS ES Display will illuminate when the input
contains DTS ES Encoded Signals.
K. The NEO:6 Display will illuminate when the Sur-
round Mode Selector is turned to CINEMA2 or MU-
SIC 2 positions.
Figure 34
L. The 2 CHANNEL Display will illuminate when the
Surround Mode Selector is turned to STEREO (2
CHANNEL) positions.
Output Format:
M. The OUTPUT FORMAT LEDs indicate the SUR-
ROUND MODE selected and the active audio chan-
nels. Refer to figure 36.
Note: The following
example of the
illuminated LED is
based upon a 7.1
channel system. If
your system is
configured as
something other than
7.1 (e.g. no Center
Loudspeaker or a
single BackSurround Loudspeaker) then the
number of LEDs illuminated will be different.
N. STEREO mode will cause the L, R and SUB LEDs
to illuminate.
O. MUSIC 1, 2, 3, and 4 modes will cause the L, C, R,
LS, SUB, RS, LBS and RBS to illuminate.
P. CINEMA1 mode will cause the L, C, R, LS, SUB,
RS, LBS and RBS to illuminate.
Q. CINEMA2 mode will cause the L, C, R, LS, SUB,
RS, LBS and RBS to illuminate.
R. EXTERNAL mode will cause the L, C, R, LS, SUB,
RS, LBS and RBS to illuminate.
Figure 35
Figure 36
How to Operate the MX136, con’t