User Manual

Problem Solution
The platter does not spin. Is the AC adapter connected to the outlet? Connect AC adapter to the outlet.
Has the belt slipped from the platter? Correctly place the belt on the platter.
Is the belt placed on the motor pulley? Check that the belt is placed on the motor pulley (brass-colored)
Has the belt been damaged? Replace it with a new belt.
The platter spins, but there is
no sound or the volume is not
loud enough.
Is the cartridge's protector still in place? Remove the cartridge's protector.
Is the tonearm in the lift position? Lower the tonearm.
Are the function settings and input for connected equipment (amplifier, etc.) selected correctly? Check
whether the settings for the connected equipment are correct.
Is the stylus damaged? Check the stylus and replace it, if necessary.
Is the stylus placed correctly on the body of the cartridge? Check the cartridge and adjust it, if necessary.
Are the setting positions for the output selector switch correct? Check that the output settings are correct,
noting the following common problems and their causes:
- If there is no sound, or if the volume is not loud enough, the product is set to the “PHONO” position
and connected to the amplifier’s AUX/LINE input.
- If the volume is too loud or is distorted, the product is set to the “LINE” position and connected to the
amplifier's PHONO input.
Is the tracking force set too heavy? Adjust the tracking force.
The stylus skips. Is the tracking force set too light or too heavy? Adjust the tracking force.
Is the anti-skate set improperly? Verify anti-skate is set for same value as cartridge tracking force.
Is the record warped? Check the record.
Is the record scratched? Check the record.
Is the stylus dirty? Excess buildup around the stylus tip will effect tracking.
There is howling. Is the product picking up excessive vibrations from the floor, surfaces of the walls, or nearby speakers?
Decrease the vibrations or mount the product on a surface that is not subject to the effects of vibrations.
Is the product mounted on an unstable surface? Check whether the surface on which the product is
mounted is suitable.
There is noise when the record
is playing.
Is there dust on the cartridge’s stylus tip? If dust is stuck to the stylus tip, clean it with a commercially
sold brush.
The sound when the record is
playing is either too fast or too
Are the speed settings for the product correct? Use the control knob to select the correct speed for the
type of record being played.
Playing speed slows down or
there is irregular rotation.
Is the belt stretched out? Replace it with a new belt.
Humming is heard during
Is the ground line connected correctly? Make sure the ground line is properly connected.
If humming continues, disconnect the ground line. It may reduce humming.
Is the headshell attached to the tonearm firmly? Make sure the locking ring is tight.