
Table 50. Page 0 / Register 44: Right DAC Digital Volume Control Register
D7 R/W 1 Right DAC Digital Mute
0: The right DAC channel is not muted
1: The right DAC channel is muted
D6–D0 R/W 0000000 Right DAC Digital Volume Control Setting
0000000: Gain = 0.0 dB
0000001: Gain = –0.5 dB
0000010: Gain = –1.0 dB
1111101: Gain = –62.5 dB
1111110: Gain = –63.0 dB
1111111: Gain = –63.5 dB
10.6.2 Output Stage Volume Controls
A basic analog volume control with range from 0 dB to -78 dB and mute is replicated multiple times in the output
stage network, connected to each of the analog signals that route to the output stage. In addition, to enable
completely independent mixing operations to be performed for each output driver, each analog signal coming into
the output stage may have up to seven separate volume controls. These volume controls all have approximately
0.5 dB step programmability over most of the gain range, with steps increasing slightly at the lowest attenuations.
Table 51 lists the detailed gain versus programmed setting for this basic volume control.
Table 51. Output Stage Volume Control Settings and Gains
Gain Setting Analog Gain Gain Setting Analog Gain Gain Setting Analog Gain Gain Setting Analog Gain
(dB) (dB) (dB) (dB)
0 0.0 30 -15.0 60 -30.1 90 -45.2
1 -0.5 31 -15.5 61 -30.6 91 -45.8
2 -1.0 32 -16.0 62 -31.1 92 -46.2
3 -1.5 33 -16.5 63 -31.6 93 -46.7
4 -2.0 34 -17.0 64 -32.1 94 -47.4
5 -2.5 35 -17.5 65 -32.6 95 -47.9
6 -3.0 36 -18.0 66 -33.1 96 -48.2
7 -3.5 37 -18.6 67 -33.6 97 -48.7
8 -4.0 38 -19.1 68 -34.1 98 -49.3
9 -4.5 39 -19.6 69 -34.6 99 -50.0
10 -5.0 40 -20.1 70 -35.1 100 -50.3
11 -5.5 41 -20.6 71 -35.7 101 -51.0
12 -6.0 42 -21.1 72 -36.1 102 -51.4
13 -6.5 43 -21.6 73 -36.7 103 -51.8
14 -7.0 44 -22.1 74 -37.1 104 -52.2
15 -7.5 45 -22.6 75 -37.7 105 -52.7
16 -8.0 46 -23.1 76 -38.2 106 -53.7
17 -8.5 47 -23.6 77 -38.7 107 -54.2
18 -9.0 48 -24.1 78 -39.2 108 -55.3
19 -9.5 49 -24.6 79 -39.7 109 -56.7
20 -10.0 50 -25.1 80 -40.2 110 -58.3
21 -10.5 51 -25.6 81 -40.7 111 -60.2
22 -11.0 52 -26.1 82 -41.2 112 -62.7
23 -11.5 53 -26.6 83 -41.7 113 -64.3
24 -12.0 54 -27.1 84 -42.2 114 -66.2
25 -12.5 55 -27.6 85 -42.7 115 -68.7
26 -13.0 56 -28.1 86 -43.2 116 -72.2
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