User Manual

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For that custom, nished look, the ACR-3 can be ush mounted directly
on the dash-board (or anywhere else).
Disassemble the ACR-3 from its mounng bracket. Drill a 9/32” (7 mm)
hole in the dashboard for the control along with a 3/32” (2.3 mm) hole
for the lock tab and 1/8” (3 mm) holes for the LEDs. Make sure that you
do not drill though any wires or other components. Reassemble the
dash control components on the dashboard.
Block Diagram of the DQDX
Feeling lost? Here’s an internal “roadmap” to help you out. This sim-
plied block diagram is a map of the paths your signals take inside the
DQDX. With this diagram you can follow each input through the proces-
sor. If you do have an issue with the hook-up of your DQDX and need
to call for technical assistance, please have this diagram available so we
can help you trace the problem and get your system up and running
and sounding as awesome as we know it can.