Operation Manual

Up to 20 tracks on a disc can be programmed for play in any order.
1. Press the PROG. button, the program number “01” appears brie y, then the track number
“00” and “PROG” blink on the display.
2. Select a track by using the f or e button.
3. Press the PROG. button.
4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 to programme additional tracks.
5. Press the i button to start playback. “PROG” remains lit.
When all programmed tracks have been played, the player stops automatically.
- The programme contents are retained in memory.
To cancel the programmed play
1. In stop mode press the PROG. button. The programmed track number and “PROG” blink
on the display.
2. Press the STOP button at least 3 seconds. The total track number of the disc appears.
The programmed play is canceled.
Checking the programme
In stop mode press the PROG. button repeatedly, the programme numbers and programmed
track numbers sequentially appear on the display.
Changing a programme
To add a new track to a programme:
1. In stop mode press the PROG. button repeatedly until the last program number is displayed
brie y, ‘‘00” appears.
2. Select a track as explained above.
3. Press the PROG. button.
To change a track:
1. In stop mode press the PROG. button repeatedly until the programme number to be
replaced appears brie y, then the track number blinks on the display.
2. Select a track as explained above.
3. Press the PROG. button.
Programmed details cannot be partially deleted or inserted.
If an abnormal display indication or an operating problem occurs, disconnect the mains
lead and remove all batteries. Wait at least 5 seconds then reconnect the mains lead and
reinstall the batteries. Resume the operation.
1. Connect the audio cable (not supplied) from the audio output socket of a video/auxiliary
equipment to the AUX IN socket.(Stereo Mini Plug: ø3.5)
2. Set the function switch to AUX IN.
3. Follow the instructions supplied with the other equipment.
430body XE En.indd 章节2:5430body XE En.indd 章节2:5 2009-7-14 13:28:052009-7-14 13:28:05