Installation Guide

Prior to Installation:
Care must be taken when installing this accessory to ensure damage does not occur to the vehicle.
The installation of this accessory should follow approved guidelines to ensure a quality installation.
Read entire instructions thoroughly before starting.
This document covers such items as:-
Vehicle Protection (use of covers and blankets, cleaning chemicals, etc.).
Vehicle Disassembly/Reassembly (panel removal, part storage, etc.).
Electrical Component Disassembly/Reassembly (battery disconnection, connector removal, etc.)
Removed Parts:
Inspect the vehicle for any damage.
Place all removed parts on a protected surface in an area where they will not be damaged.
When disconnecting connectors, do not pull on the wires; pull on the connectors.
Vehicle Preparation and Protection
Do not touch the positive terminal with any tool when removing cable.
Be sure ignition key is in the OFF position during install
Do not disconnect ANY airbag connectors or indicators. Doing so may result in activating a diagnostic code. These codes
will require the dealer to perform the reset procedure and may be charged a dealer fee.
If you are unsure of any vehicle trim removal process consult the OEM service manual.
Removing vehicle trim panels in extreme hot and cold climate could result in some vehicle damage. Use care when
removing all vehicle trim.
Using tape on vehicle trim panels could help limit any scratches and or marring. Use plastic trim panel removal tools
whenever possible.
The instructions included in this kit are current at the time of printing. It is designed as a guide to help make the
installation of this product successful. Always use caution and ask for assistance if you are not sure how to proceed.
Voxx International is not responsible for any damage that may occur during installation or any changes to the vehicle