Users Manual

5. Master Input Delay / Master Input Polarity
The presence of time delays on the inputs of the Head
Unit interfaced to the bit One HD Virtuoso as well as
any phase inversions of the signal used can be veried.
- Press BACK to go back to the previous step.
- Press NEXT to continue with the conguration.
- Press CANCEL to exit.
Follow the instructions listed below:
- Iset all tone controls to zero (0);
- set balance and fader to center (0);
- do not change the volume level previously set
through the inputs level automatic calibration;
- play track 3 (press Play);
- Press BACK to go back to the previous step.
- Press NEXT to continue with the conguration.
- Press CANCEL to exit.
A progress bar and specic messages show the
procedure’s implementation.
Once the analysis is completed, the window will show
the results referred to time delays in the audio source,
and the possible phase inversion connection of the
applied audio signal.
A) Master Delay compensation:
- is not necessary: the source has no time delays set;
- is necessary: the source has time delays set.
By selecting Enable the output time delays will be
B) Speaker IN Polarity Check Result:
- The presence of green checks next to the
loudspeakers indicates that the electrical
connection of the inputs with respect to the source
outputs has been performed correctly.
- The presence of red checks next to the loudspeakers
indicates that the connection of an input or multiple
inputs was made by inverting the cables.
You can proceed as follows:
- Select "Automatic Polarity Correction", the software will
invert the phase to all the speakers displayed in red.
- Select "Manual electric Polarity Correction", the
software will only inverse the channels selected in
red and inverted manually.
- Press BACK to go back to the previous step.
- Press NEXT to continue with the conguration.
- Press CANCEL to exit.