Users Manual

A progress bar and specic messages
show the procedure’s implementation.
Once the procedure is completed,
the window will show the message
“Press Next to Continue”.
4. Input level automatic calibration
- Press BACK to go back to the
previous step.
- Press NEXT to continue with the
- Press CANCEL to exit
“Input Level too low”
Should a message informing the user
that the input signal is too low “Input too
low” appear when the inputs calibration
is completed, proceed as follows:
- Press BACK to go back to the previous
step, check the inputs connection to
the bit One HD Virtuoso and repeat the
calibration procedure.
- Press NEXT to continue with the
conguration, check the inputs
connection. And then proceed with the
manual sensitivity calibration
(see section 8.11)
- Press CANCEL to exit
Once the procedure is
completed the window will
show the sensitivity levels
setup according to the source
interfaced with the bit One HD
This window is active and
a further manual sensitivity
adjustment can be performed
- Ref: 0dB Reference setup
referring to the use of music
tracks recorded at 0dB.
- +3dB - +6dB: referring to
the Use of music tracks recorded at a level lower than 0dB (-3dB ÷ -6dB).
- Press BACK to go back to the previous step.
- Press NEXT to continue with the conguration.
- Press CANCEL to exit.