Users Manual

6. Auto Chimes: activate this function by ticking the Enable box to switch
to the main Master input each time a “Gong Signal” coming from the car
should be heard.
Functions Description:
A. Threshold: function to set the minimum threshold level of the “Gong Signal”
coming from the Head Unit Master input.
The operation levels range from 0 dB to -96 dB.
Advanced menu
Selecting the box as shown in the picture to the side the advanced setup menu
is activated, essential when adjusting the “Auto Chimes” function.
A. Attack: function to set the starting time for the auxiliary input to activate
The operation levels range from 13 ms to 680 ms.
B. Release: function to set the turn off time of the auxiliary input activated.
The operation levels range from 13 ms to 6800 ms.
Power-On From HiLev
: select this entry to activate the bit One HD Virtuoso
turn on using a high level signal (ART, Auto Remote Turn On), available on
the CH1 and CH2 channels.
8. Master Delay Compensation: select this entry to enable/disable the
Head Unit time delays compensation. This function is available if during
the “I/O Conguration Wizard” phase the “Master Input Delay” procedure
has been performed
(see section
Startup/Shutdown Delays: function to modify the bit One HD Virtuoso startup
and shutdown delays.
StartUp Time: delay between the device startup and the output
audio turn on. Each amplier, when starting up, has its own delay before
becoming operative. By setting the Startup Time to a value equal to or
higher than the longest of these delays a synchronized startup of the
audio of the entire system can be achieved.
Shutdown time: delay between the turn off/deactivation of the REMOTE OUT
signal to the ampliers and the bit One HD Virtuoso shutdown. Acting on this
parameter is not generally essential but it could useful to decrease it when
ampliers in the system produce a “Bump” while shutting down.
Language: to change the language select your preference among the ones available on the menu.