Users Manual

2. PRE IN low-level MASTER inputs (see section 5.4.1)
Ch1 - Ch2 - Ch3 - Ch4 - Ch5 - Ch6
To connect RCA cables coming from the main analog signal source.
If these inputs are used, the MASTER SPEAKER IN inputs can not be used.
3. AUX auxiliary low-level STEREO inputs
(see section 5.4.2)
To connect the RCA cables coming from additional analog signal sources.
4. OPTICAL IN digital inputs
(see section 5.6)
Bit One HD accepts input PCM signals up to 192 kHz / 24 bit sampling frequency rate. So DOLBY DIGITAL
(AC3) multi-channel signals coming from audio/video sources (such as the audio of a lm in DVD) or DTS
can not be reproduced. These inputs can be selected using the external DRC control or activated using the
(see section. 4.3.4).
OPTICAL 1. Connect an optical ber cable with TOSLINK connector
OPTICAL 2. Connect an optical ber cable with TOSLINK connector
Remark: when performing the installation of ber optic cables, the minimum bending radius should be 40 mm.
A bending with higher radius value may cause the cable to break and the consequent disruption of the digital