
Digital domain
Default display
ASC - Amplifier Status Controller
Functions Description
1 • TH quattro STATUS DISPLAY: it is the visual element of the ASC system, a back-lit two line 32 character
LCD display; While working, it can relate all of the configuration parameters memorised by the amplifier
during the installation, as well as the operational status of the amplifier.
The following pages address all the messages and information which from time to time the display can
show. In case of protection intervention, the state of protection is permanently displayed, until the problem
is resolved or until the amplifier is reset;
2 • MENU: this switch enables the ASC and shows the first available entry. Each time this switch is pushed
while the amplifier is normally working, the ASC displays the first available entry, not the last you worked on.
No matter which step of the management you are at, if you push the MENU button, you exit the ASC
management and you are automatically taken back to the first display screen (Default display) without
saving any changes.
Remark: No matter which step you are at of the management software, if you don’t operate on the switches for
5 seconds, the ASC automatically goes back to the first display screen (Default display) without saving any
3 • ENTER: this switch is to:
- confirm the selected entry, - store it in the memory, - move to the following menu entry.
The ASC performs these three activities automatically. If you modify the menu entry you are working on and
then you push “enter”, the display will show:
then the display will show the next entry. The changes will only be made once ENTER is pushed.
4 • UP - DOWN: through these switches the user can browse through the entries available inside the different
menus. According to the function you are checking, they allow you to modify your choice which, then, will
have to be confirmed by pushing ENTER.