User's Manual

Augmedics Ltd xvision-Spine User Manual
Version 7
Customizing the Radial Menu options
1. Open the HP Create Control Panel app.
2. Select the Radial Menu tab.
3. Use the list corresponding to the assignments you want to customize the Radial Menu options displayed.
NOTE: A default set of Key Assignments is provided that you can keep or use as a guide for
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: When you display the Radial Menu, you can keep the menu open by selecting the Push Pin icon.
You can also open the HP Create Control menu from the Radial Menu by clicking the Wrench icon.
Adding devices
You can customize tool and application settings for certain devices connected to your tablet. An icon for each
device will appear in the Device list.
To add a new device:
1. Connect the device to your tablet.
The new device’s icon will appear in the Device list.
NOTE: If an icon for the device does not display, the device is not supported.
2. Click on that icon to customize settings.
NOTE: Settings can only be viewed or changed for an attached device.
NOTE: The eraser function may not work in some applications when using an added device.
Adding tools
You can add a tool simply by using the tool on your tablet. Adding tools is available for HP Quick Keys,
Functions, and Pen. An icon for each tool appears in the Tool list.
When you select a tool that has been added to the Tool list, the tab settings for that tool are displayed.
Any changes you make to the tab settings will then apply to the tool.
If a similar tool has been added, the new tool will inherit the settings of that tool. These settings can
then be customized for the newly added tool. Identical tools use the same settings.
To display the Tool list:
1. Open the HP Create Control Panel app.
2. An icon for each tool appears in the Tool list.
NOTE: To remove a selected tool from the Tool list, click on the Tool list - button, and then select
Delete. The selected tool is removed from the list, along with any custom settings you may have created
for it.
The - button is inactive when there is only one item in the list. The Functions icon cannot be deleted.
38 Chapter 5 HP Create Control Panel software