User's Manual

- The metal barrier which does not resist WiFi signal but also absorb electromagnetic
energy. Therefore, the biggest metal barrier in your family is those oors with bar-mat
reinforcement and the WiFi signal from this directionis impossible to penetrate. The
signal will be very weak even though it penetrated.
- The standard working frequency band for IEEE 802.11 b/g is 2.4GHz. However, many
industrial equipments are also working in such frequency band. Such as microwave oven,
Bluetooth equipment, cordless phone, refrigerator and etc.
The WiFi signal will be aected if it’s near to a very strong magnetic eld.
- It may be caused the problems of channel conict and WiFi signal crosstalk if there are
many WiFi equipments in WiFi environment.
- Those strong signal interference sources which are within 100 meters distance rom WiFi
devices and cable line may also have strong interference on WiFi signal and WiFi
equipments. Such as radio transmitting tower, electric welding machine, electric car, high
voltage power transformer and etc.
- The weather can also aect WiFi signal greatly. The WiFi signal will be very weak in thun
derstorm day or cloudy day. And the WiFi signal can be transmitted farther in sunny day.
- Please choose a best place for your Wireless AP. And the requirements for this place are
as follows:
a>The place should be a little higher which is good for WiFi signal downward radiates.
This can reduce the blocking from barriers and minimize signal blind area;
b>The position for wireless AP should let its signal to be penetrated wall as less as possible.
And the best positions for AP client and wireless AP are in both of their visual range.
- Please change frequency band to reduce wireless crosstalk. Please note that wireless
frequency band should be away from others’ frequency band more than 5 when you set
wireless signal.
- Please reduce interference from electric appliances in your family to guarantee good
signal. Please keep your wireless AP far away from those above mentioned equipments.
- You can change antennas of wireless AP to enhance wireless signal if the antennas is
How to improve the quality
of WiFi signal transmission?