User's Manual

AUTEC - Dynamic Plus series
Information on the use of instructions 7
1 Information on the use of instructions
Before reading this part of the Manual, you must read and understand the general
part (Part A) of the Manual provided with the Radio Remote Control.
The Manual for the use and maintenance of Autec Dynamic Plus series Radio Remote
Controls consists of di󰘯erent parts, that form the Manual altogether; the Manual must be
read carefully, understood and applied by the Radio Remote Control's Owner, User and by
all those Persons that, for any reasons, may operate with the Radio Remote Control or with
the Machine where it is installed.
1.1 Structure of the Instruction Manual
The following table describes the structure of the Instruction Manual for the use and the
maintenance of the Radio Remote Control.
Part Title Contents
A General part
- General information regarding the series,
- directions for risk assessment of the "Machine+Radio Remote
Control" system,
- warnings for installation of the Radio Remote Control,
- warnings for use and maintenance of the Radio Remote Control,
- instructions for correct Radio Remote Control transportation and
Conformity and
- Operating frequency bands of the Radio Remote Control,
- conformity and law references of the Radio Remote Control.
C Transmitting Unit
Description and instructions concerning the Transmitting Unit,
- description of operation,
- commands,
- light signals,
- malfunctions,
- additional instructions to the general part.
D Receiving Unit
Description and instructions concerning the Receiving Unit,
- description of operation,
- light signals,
- malfunctions,
- additional instructions to the general part.
Battery and
Battery Charger
Description, warnings and instructions concerning batteries and
Battery Chargers, including:
- description of operation,
- light signals,
- malfunctions,
- instructions for the User.