User's Manual

General safety warnings
AUTEC - Dynamic Plus series
3 General safety warnings
The Manufacturer or those who want to use or install an Autec Radio Remote Control on a
Machine must 󰘰rst:
- assess whether the Machine where they want to install the Radio Remote Control can
be used with a Radio Remote Control safely and e󰘯ectively;
- carry out an in-depth, accurate risk assessment, taking into account the Machine's
manufacturing, functional and/or performance features and characteristics, purpose of
the Machine, the location and environment in which the Machine is to be used, the facility
in which the Machine is to be or is installed, the interaction between the Machine and
other equipment and Personnel, the safety conditions during operation of the Machine,
the actual and potential di󰘯erent usage conditions, the conditions that may arise following
the installation and use of a Radio Remote Control, and the features and limitations of
the Autec Radio Remote Control.
All the warnings and instructions provided in this chapter are safety-relevant.
Failure to follow the instructions contained in the Manual provided by
Autec, as well as all applicable safety-related legislations, even local ones,
regulations and standards may generate serious damage to people and
The Machine Manufacturer and/or designer, the Installer, the Maintenance
Technician and the people responsible for the use of the Machine and for the
working place are responsible to ensure that the installation, maintenance
and use of the Autec Radio Remote Control and all its components are
carried out in complete accordance with the instructions provided by
Autec and in compliance with all the applicable safety-related standards
and regulations in force in the countries where the Machine and the Radio
Remote Control are used.
The Machine Manufacturer takes on the responsibility for the installation
and use of the Radio Remote Control on any application.
To this e󰘯ect, by way of example and by no way of limitation, refer to standards ISO 12100
and ISO 14121, that prescribe the conditions for a correct risk assessment, which includes
risk analysis and the adoption of the necessary protection and safeguarding actions.