User's Manual

AUTEC - Dynamic Plus series
Instructions for the User 39
If the Radio Remote Control User wears electronic devices (by way of
example: pacemaker, implantable cardiac de󰄈brillator, hearing aids), the
Transmitting Unit must be kept at least 15 cm away from those devices
when in use.
8.2.1 Before starting to work
Before starting the Radio Remote Control to work, the User must be
positioned in a place that allows him:
- the direct control of the radio remote controlled Machine and of the load
movements, and, at the same time,
- a safe position with regard to the operation of the radio remote controlled
Machine and/or the load movement, and with regard to other operations
and/or activities and/or processes taking place in the working place.
Always check that the mechanical operation of the STOP pushbutton is
correct. If it is impossible or di󰓑cult to press this pushbutton, do not use
the Radio Remote Control.
Never start up or use the Transmitting Unit if the working conditions pose
the risk of losing balance or of tripping.
Start up the Transmitting Unit only to use it according to its intended use or
for operational needs (by way of example: maintenance, checks): improper
use may cause dangerous situations.
Never start up or use the Transmitting Unit in closed spaces, with no or
poor visibility, or outside the Radio Remote Control working range: in such
cases it is still possible to build a radio link between the Transmitting Unit
and the Receiving Unit, thus causing the risk that unwanted commands be
carried out by the radio remote controlled Machine.
Get familiar with the relation between the actuators and the Machine's
movements (this is indicated in the attached Technical Data Sheet) and
learn symbols on the Transmitting Unit's panel (the used symbols are
de󰄈ned by the Machine Manufacturer and/or by the Installer depending on
the e󰓐ectiveness and the functions the Machine requires).