User's Manual

AUTEC - Dynamic Plus series
Information on the use of instructions 9
1.2 Caption and terminology
Contact Autec if any of the instructions, symbols, warnings or images are not
clear and understandable, or if you have doubts or questions.
The terms listed here below have the stated meaning throughout the entire Manual, including
all of its parts:
- Unit: the single (Transmitting or Receiving) Units that comprise the Autec Radio Remote
- Radio Remote Control: Cableless Control System (CCS) made up of a Transmitting Unit
and a Receiving Unit that communicate with each other through a radio link.
- Transmitting Unit: portable component (remote station) through which the User interfaces
with the Radio Remote Control.
- Receiving Unit: component 󰘰xed permanently on the Machine (base station); it constitutes
an interface between the Radio Remote Control and the other Machine's parts.
- Machine:the Machine, as de󰘰ned in the Directive 2006/42/EC and in any other local
regulations, and any other device, Machinery, equipment, Machinery system, application
etc., where the Autec Radio Remote Control is installed, or that is controlled by it.
- Manufacturer: the Person who plans and/or manufactures a Machine, an appliance,
a device or a Machinery system and decides to install a Radio Remote Control on it to
control the Machine.
- Installer: the Person, quali󰘰ed technician, who plans and/or performs the installation of
an Autec Radio Remote Control on a Machine to act on its commands.
- User: the Person who actually uses an Autec Radio Remote Control to act on the
commands of a Machine.
- Maintenance Technician: the Person, quali󰘰ed technician, who carries out routine or
special maintenance on an Autec Radio Remote Control, to keep it whole and e󰘯ective.
- Manual or Instruction Manual: document consisting of: Part A – General, Part B –
Conformity and Frequencies, Part C – Transmitting Unit, Part D – Receiving Unit and
Part E – Battery and Battery Charger, plus the Technical Data Sheet.
- Installation Manual: the speci󰘰c manual containing speci󰘰c instructions for the installation
of the Radio Remote Control on the Machine: the Installation Manual is speci󰘰cally
addressed to the Installer.
- Person: individuals, natural or legal persons and/or entity, of any kind.
- Owner: the Owner of the Radio Remote Control.
Functions indicated for the Manufacturer, the Installer, the User and the Maintenance
Technician may be performed by a single Person, if they have the needed competence
and undertake the resulting responsibilities. Each Person must be aware of the instructions
contained in the Manual, depending on the activity they carry out.
For example, if a Manufacturer is also the Installer, and/or Maintenance Technician, he must
also know and follow the instructions speci󰘰cally addressed to those Persons. The same
applies, for example, if a User is also the Manufacturer and/or the Installer.