Instruction Manual

8.2.2 During normal operation
Pay attention to the entire work area. Immediately press the STOP pushbutton
when a hazardous situation occurs.
Visually and directly follow all movements of the Machine and its load and
remain inside the Radio Remote Control working range.
Pay particular attention to warnings and visual and acou󰄋ic signals, and take
all measurements and 󰄋eps to avoid that movements of the remote controlled
Machine may lead to hazardous situations for people and/or property.
In case of malfunction, switch off the Transmitting Unit and disconnect power
supply from the Receiving Unit: this way, the sy󰄋em "Machine+Radio Remote
Control" is disabled; it mu󰄋 not be used until the problem has been solved
by implementing the necessary technical operations.
Pay attention to low battery signals: all dangerous operations (by way of
example: hanging load) mu󰄋 be concluded before the battery is completely
Use the Transmitting Unit with the complements provided with the Radio
Remote Control (by way of example: pouch, wai󰄋 belt, shoulder harness) to
avoid that it accidentally falls, or that actuators come into contact with external
bodies, or that the Unit is used improperly.
When "Take & Release" Radio Remote Controls are used, by releasing a
Machine the User gives an explicit consent to the other Users, thus enabling
them to take control of the Machine itself. Therefore, when a User releases a
Machine or part of it, they mu󰄋 pay highe󰄋 attention to possible Machine's
movements, as it is no more under their control.