Instruction Manual

LIUPJQ000_eng-00 AUTEC
5 Technical Data Sheet
The Radio Remote Control 's Technical Data Sheet:
- Describes the Transmitting Unit's con󰘰guration
- Indicates the relation between commands sent by the Transmitting Unit and those available on
the Receiving Unit.
The Technical Data Sheet mu󰘵 be filled in, checked and signed by the In󰘵aller, who is responsible
for correct wiring.
A Technical Data Sheet mu󰘵 always be kept together with this Manual: if you need to use the
Technical Data Sheet for admini󰘵rative purposes (te󰘵s, check, etc.), make a copy of it.
The wiring of the Receiving Unit's outputs mu󰄋 always reflect the wiring
indicated in the Technical Data Sheet.
6 Plates
Plate Position Content
Radio Remote Control
identification plate
Battery housing
Radio Remote Control serial
number (S/N), bar code and
manufacturing year.
Transmitting Unit identification
Battery housing
Manufacturing year, bar code
and Transmitting Unit
identification number (TU ID)
Technical data plate
Back side of the Transmitting
Model, Type and main
Transmitting Unit technical data,
marking and possible Radio
Remote Control marks