Instruction Manual

When the green LED repeats one of the following sequences: one or two blinks and a pause,
the Radio Remote Control is active and it can send commands and activate the Machine.
8.13 Transmitting Unit automatic switch o󰓐
Automatic switch off of the Transmitting Unit occurs in the following cases.
- When the battery is 󰘱at (see paragraph 8.13.1).
- When the Radio Remote Control is not used for a certain time (see paragraph 8.13.2).
- When the Transmitting Unit is powered and never switched o󰘯 for eight hours non-󰘵op (see
paragraph 8.13.3).
The green LED on the Transmitting Unit switches off.
The POWER LED on the Receiving Unit illuminates 󰘵eadily.
To 󰘵art the Radio Remote Control, press the START pushbutton and hold it down until the
green LED repeats one or two blinks and a pause. If the red LED illuminates, refer to chapter
When the green LED repeats one of the following sequences: one or two blinks and a pause,
the Radio Remote Control is active and it can send commands and activate the Machine.
8.13.1 Low battery
The Transmitting Unit indicates if the battery is not sufficiently charged (the red LED blinks and
an acou󰘵ic signal sounds).
The Transmitting Unit automatically switches off after 3.5 minutes after the onset of the signal.
It is necessary to bring the Machine to a safe 󰘵ate and replace the battery with a charged one
(see paragraph 8.7)
8.13.2 When the Transmitting Unit is not used
If the Transmitting Unit remains 󰘵arted for a certain time while none of these commands are
enabled: SAFETY, D2-D10, H1-H8 or L1-L8, then it automatically switches off. This time frame
is specified in the Technical Data Sheet (Automatic Switch Off).
Setting or removal of the automatic switch off time (Automatic Switch Off) is done
by Autec and decided by the Machine Manufacturer, according to his risk assessment
and to the operation and functions he needs on the Machine.
8.13.3 Non-󰄋op use
The Transmitting Unit indicates if it has been on for eight hours non-󰘵op (the red LED blinks
and an acou󰘵ic signal sounds).
The Transmitting Unit automatically switches off after 3.5 minutes after the onset of the signal.
Bring the Machine to a safe 󰘵ate before the Transmitting Unit automatically switches off.