User's Manual

Light signals
AUTEC - Air series
LEDs … Meaning
… the green [B] and red [A] LEDs
are steady on
A wrong "Key ID 0-1" or "ID internal tx memory" has been
inserted in the transmitting unit, or this is a "BACK-UP
…the green [B] and red [A] LEDs
blink 3 times per second during
start up...
The “Key ID 0-1” is damaged or the “ID internal tx
memory” is damaged or not present.
... the green [B] and red [A] LEDs
blink alternately.
30 s left before the transmitting unit automatically switches
The green LED [B] blinks and the
red LED [A] is steady during start
The UNPAIR procedure has been performed.
See paragraph 6.3 to check the meaning of LEDs for Data Feedback function [C].