Instruction Manual

8.5.2 Procedure to modify the PIN code
The Transmitting Unit activates only when the PIN code is entered.
To modify the PIN code, perform the following procedure with the Transmitting Unit switched
1. Enable S0 and START and keep them enabled until the green LED blinks (1 blink per
2. Activate the commands of the PIN code sequence provided in the Technical Data Sheet.
3. Activate command S1 (see Technical Data Sheet) repeatedly until LED 2 illuminates.
4. ActivatecommandS2(seeTechnicalDataSheet)tocon󰘰rmyourselection(greenLED
blinks twice per second). You can choose the 3 pushbuttons you want to set as PIN code
amongst all the pushbuttons on the Unit. If you want to start the Radio Remote Control with:
- asingle-commandPINcode:enableSTARTasPIN1andPIN3;
- two-command PIN code: enable START as PIN 1 or PIN 3.
5. Activate the command you want to allocate as PIN 1 (LED 1 and green LED are steady on).
6. Activate the command you want to allocate as PIN 2 (LED 2 and green LED are steady on).
7. Activate the command you want to allocate as PIN 3 (LED 3 and green LED are steady
on). PIN code is saved automatically.
8.6 Command activation
When the Radio Remote Control is started, it is possible to activate movements, functions
and commands on the Machine by acting on the related pushbuttons or switches, whose
functions and symbols are decided by the Manufacturer and/or the Installer. To identify the
relation between the actuators and the corresponding Machine movements, the Machine
Manufacturer and/or the Installer shall provide relevant instructions and the User shall be
properly trained.
8.7 G-Sense function
The Transmitting Unit is equipped with a G-Sense function only upon request
of the Machine Manufacturer and/or of the Installer, who are responsible for
deciding how the G-Sense function will activate.
The G-Sense function activates for the following reasons:
- No movement: the function activates when the Transmitting Unit remains static
(acceleration lower than 0.5g) for more than 4 minutes.
- Tilt: the G-Sense function activates when the Transmitting Unit is tilted by at least 50°
for at least 4 minutes.
General operating instructions