Product Specs

1.1.3 Hyperlink
Hyperlinks or links that take you to other related articles, procedures, and illustrations are
available in electronic documents. Blue italic text indicates a selectable hyperlink and blue
underlined text indicates a website link or an email address link.
1.1.4 Illustrations
Illustrations used in this manual are samples, and the actual testing screen may vary for
each vehicle being tested. Observe the menu titles and on-screen instructions to make
correct option selection.
1.1.5 Procedures
An arrow icon indicates a procedure.
To use the camera:
1. Tap the Camera button. The camera screen opens.
2. Focus the image to be captured in the view finder.
3. Tap the camera icon on the right side of the screen. The view finder now shows
the captured picture and auto-saves the taken photo.
4. Tap the thumbnail image on the top right corner of the screen to view the stored
5. Tap the Back or Home button to exit the camera application.