Product Specs

Safety Instructions
The safety messages herein cover situations Autel is aware of. Autel cannot
know, evaluate or advise you as to all of the possible hazards. You must be
certain that any condition or service procedure encountered does not
jeopardize your personal safety.
When an engine is operating, keep the service area WELL VENTILATED or
attach a building exhaust removal system to the engine exhaust system.
Engines produce carbon monoxide, an odorless, poisonous gas that causes
slower reaction time and can lead to serious personal injury or loss of life.
Wear safety glasses and protective clothing.
NEVER smoke or allow a spark or flame in vicinity of battery or engine.
Have plenty of fresh water and soap nearby in case battery acid contacts
skin, clothing or eyes.
If battery acid contacts skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and
water. If acid enters eye, immediately flush eye with cold running water
for at least ten minutes and get medical attention immediately.
Use caution when working with metallic tools to prevent sparks or short
Remove any jewelry or watches before you start servicing the battery.
Keep hair, hands, and clothing as well as tester leads and cords away
from moving blades and belts.