Safety Information

Figure 1-6 Sample Help Menu Screen
User Manual displays instruction for the prosper use of the waveform generator.
Update the APK connects to the Autel server and check for latest application
About displays the model numbers of the waveform generator and the installed
versions of the software and firmware. Main View Section
The main view section screen displays as a coordinate grid with X-axis and Y-axis,
representing the duration and voltage level respectively.
Channel Selection
In the main view section, a channel has two conditions: selected and unselected. A
channel must be selected in order for the waveform to be movement, to use the
zoom-in or to add voltage rulers.
To select and unselect the channel
1. Tap the zero baseline marker or the Y-axis (the line thickens when selected).
2. Tap the zero baseline marker or the Y-axis again to exit the channel selection.