Safety Information

2. Select the Pulse Width in the left column of the dialog box.
3. Select the desired trigger mode and channel mode.
4. Set the pulse direction to either Positive pulse or Negative pulse according to
the polarity of the pulse.
5. Select one of the four Conditions:
More than: triggers on pulses wider than the specified time.
Less than: triggers on pulses narrower than the specified time.
In the time range: triggers on pulses wider than Time 1 but narrower
than Time 2.
Out of the time range: triggers on pulses narrower than Time 1 but
wider than Time 2.
6. Set the trigger Threshold and Hysteresis.
7. Set the Time 1 or Time 2 in minutes (if available) to define the pulse width.
8. Tap OK to save settings or tap Cancel to exit without saving.
This trigger type allows you to search for two consecutive edges of the same
polarity separated by a specified time interval.
For the setting operation, please refer to the operation steps of Pulse Width, but
the pulse direction with Rise or Fall selection instead of Positive or Negative.
Figure 1-72 Sample Interval Settings Screen