Users Manual Part 3

Analog Bandwidth
The frequency at which a displayed sine wave has half the power of the input sine
wave (about 71% of the amplitude).
Buffer Size/Cache Size
The size of the oscilloscopes buffer memory. The buffer memory is used by the
oscilloscope to temporarily store data. This helps to compensate for the differences
in data transfer rate from one device to another.
The number of signal occurrences per second. Frequency is measured in Hz
Peak to peak voltage
The difference in voltage between the minimum and maximum voltages occurring in
the waveform.
Time Base
The time interval across the scope display.
Voltage Range
The range between the maximum and minimum voltages that can be accurately
captured by the oscilloscope.
Sampling Rate
The number of samples per second captured by the oscilloscope. The faster the
sampling rate of the scope, the more frequently it measures the signal voltage, and
so the more detailed will be the trace that appears on the scope screen.