Users Manual Part 3

Figure 8-9 Sample Main View Section Screen (Waveform Mode)
The main view section features a coordinate grid with the X-axis representing the
time duration and the Y-axis representing the voltage level.
The voltage level on the Y-axis can be configured in the Amplitude Settings while
the time duration on the X-axis can be set in the Time Base Settings.
Channel Selection
In the main view section, a channel has two conditions: selected and unselected. A
channel must be selected in order for the waveform to be movement, to use the
zoom-in or to add voltage rulers.
To select and unselect the channel
1. Tap the zero baseline marker or the Y-axis (the line thickens when
2. Tap the zero baseline marker or the Y-axis again to exit the channel
Waveform Zooming
The zooming function allows you to change the size and position of a signal during
or after capturing a waveform to examine it in greater details. It does not change the
stored data, but the way it displays.