Shadows w ith the mental ray Renderer 89
Shadows with the mental ray
The mental ray renderer can generate shadows
by ray tracing. Ray tracing traces the path of
rays sampled from t he light source. Shadows
appear where rays have b een blocked by objects.
Ray-traced shadows have sharp edges.
Ray-traced shadows
Turning off caustics makes the ou tlines of sh adows in t his
scene eas ier to s ee.
You can tell the mental ray renderer to use
shadow maps (page 3–1011) instead of ray-traced
shadows. This can improve performance at a cost
of accuracy.
Shadow controls are on the Render Scene Dialog >
Renderer panel > Shadows & Displacement rollout
(page 3–114).
Shadow Generators and the mental ray
generator: Ray Traced, Advanced Ray Traced,
Shadow Map, and so on. B ecause the mental
generation, ray tracing and shadow maps, some
of the 3ds Max shadow generators aren’t fully
In 3ds Max, a special shadow generator ty pe,
mental ray Shadow Map, is provided to support
the mental ray renderer. If shadows are enabled
(on the Shadows & Displacement rollout (page
3–114) of the Render Scene dialog) but shadow
maps are not enabled, then shadows for all lights
are generated using t he mental ray ray-tracing
algorithm. If shadow maps are enabled, then
shadow generation is based on each lights choice
of shadow generator:
mental ray Shadow M ap—Shadows are
generated using the mental ray shadow-map
Shadow Map—Settings on the Shadow
Parameters rollout are translated into a mental
ray equivalent before shadows are generated.
The qualit y of shadows generated this way
might not a lways meet expectations.
Area Shadows, Advanced R ay Traced S hadows, or
Ray Traced Shadows—
Shadows are generated
using the mental ray ray-tracing algorithm.
Motion B lur with the mental r ay
R enderer
Motion blur is a way to enhance the realism of
a rendered animation by simulating the way a
real-world camera works. A c amera has a shutter
speed, and if significant movement occurs during