Sub-Object 1017
Left: A selection of face sub-objects
Middle: A selection of edge sub-objects
Right: A selection of vertex sub-objects
A sub-object s a subset of an object’s geometry.
that you can work with indep endently. For
example, an editable mesh object’s (page 1 –996)
sub-objects are ver tices, edges, faces, polygons,
and elements. To access sub-objects, go to the
Modifier panel. In the modifier st ack display,
click the plus-sign button to display an object’s
hierarchy, and then choose the sub-objects level
from the hierarchy. At the sub-objects level you
can select sub-objects, transform the select ions,
apply modifiers, and so on.
sub-objects. To see a list of sub-object-related
topics, search on the term “sub-object” (include
the quote marks in the keyword).
Sub-Object Level
Edge sub-o bjects level chosen while editing a mesh.
Some types of objects let you change to a
example, editable meshes (page 1–996) have Vertex,
Edge, Face, Polygon, and E lement sub-object
levels. NURBS models (page 1–1078) can have
Surface, Curve, Point, Surface CV, Cur ve CV, and
Import sub-object lev els.
You change the active sub-object level using the
Modifier Stack display (page 3–760) on the Modify
Subt ra ct ive Opa cit y
Sphere on the right uses subtractive opacity.