Workbench 1035
in one direction while changing the field of view
in the other.
Workben ch
The Animation Workbench is a customized
version of the Track View function curve editor
designed to be used with bipeds. It contains a
Curve View that displays keys on function curves
which you can edit similar to the wa y you work
in Track View. It also contains a set of four panels
for selecting bipeds, analyzing their motion tracks
for error conditions, and fixing those tracks
individually or in groups.
The Workbench can b e used to assign SubAnim
controllers to multiple biped body parts at once
through the display of the Controllers window.
Workbench filters can be used to smo oth, blur or
boost position a nd rotation curves, and can also
be used to apply controllers or remove keys.
The Workbench uses many of the same toolbars
found in Track V iew for key manipulation and
track navigation. It uses manual navigation as
the default behavior. When multiple biped b ody
parts are selected it does not display all curves as
correction on many tracks without displaying all
the curves simultaneously.
A series of steps to perform a task.
Wor ld Coordina te S y stem
A boo k in object space rests on a t able in world space. The table
uses the world coordinate system.
The coordinate system for world space or the
model sp ace as a whole.
World space is the universal coordinate system
for all objects in the scene. When you look at the
home grid in the viewports, you see the World
and immovable.
In the world co ordinate system seen from the
front, the X axis ru ns in a posit ive direction to
the right, the Z axis r uns in a positive direction
upward, and the Y axis runs in a pos itive direction
away from you.