Index 1043
explode 1–110
open 1–109
using 1–98
assembly commands 1–107
assembly heads helper objects 1–111
assembly menu
assemble 1–107
attach 1–111
detach 1–110
disassemble 1–110
explode 1–110
asset browser 3–504
internet download dialog 3–515
preferences 3–514
using 1–17
asset t racking
dialog 3–487
icons 3–498
open from vault 3–389
asset tracking dialog 2–920, 3–487
asset tracking dialog icons 3–498
asset tracking prompts 3–498
controller (Track View) 2–546
controller rollout (motion panel) 3–774
material to selection 2–1441
object effects dialog 2–696
random colors 1–161
vertex colors utility 2–1734
assign controller rollout (character studio) 2–934
assign random colors 1–161
assign renderer rollout 3–35
assign to link 2–1089, 2–1150
colors to objects 1–159
controllers 2–292
materials 2–1405, 2–1409
associate bipeds with delegates 2–1199
associate objects with delegates 2–1196
assume skin pose 1–116
asterisk (in modifier stack) 1–508
atmospheres and effects
adding atmosphere 3–276
and raytracing 2–1528
atmospheric effect 3–272, 3–282, 3–284, 3–288
for atmospheric apparatus 3–304
for lights 2–1349
atmospheric apparatus 3–304
BoxGizmo 3–304
CylGizmo 3–306
SphereGizmo 3–307
attach options 1–1018
attaching and importing 3ds Max objects 1–1120
con trols dialog (block controller) 2–388
editable mesh edges 1–1011
editable mesh ver tices 1–1011
editable patch object 1–986
object 1–968, 1–988
splines 1–295, 1–2 97, 1–308
to assembly 1–111
to groups 1–106
attach points/tendon 2–1147
attach to deforming mesh constraint 2–799
attach to node 2–1106
attach to rigid b ody constraint 2–798
attached links 2–1147
mesh to a biped using Physique 2–1106
tendon to another link 2–1096
animating 2–433
constraint 2–393
attachments (IK) 3–912
attenuation 2–1276, 2–1279, 3–912
and lig hts 3–821
parameters 2–1345
raytrace attenuation rollout 2–1706
attribute holder modifier 1–559
attributes (custom) 1–129
audio controller 2–309, 2–386
AudioClip (VRML97 helpers) 3–606
auto 2–1070
auto clip names 2–1027
auto expand
animated 2–527
base objects 2–527
keyable 2–527
materials 2–527
transforms 2–527
xyz components 2–527
auto key 2–278, 3–717
and set key 2–280
auto termination rollout 2–499
auto timing 2–992, 2 –995, 2–997
blocks 3–456 to 3–457
importing DWG and DXF files 3–536
importing DXF files 3–551
instanced objects 3–456
AutoCAD Architecture
files 3–444
materials 3–445
objects 3–444, 3–461
styles 3–461
AutoCAD blocks in 3ds Max 3–441