Index 1047
material IDs 1–338
overlapping elements 1–338
surface topology 1–338
troubleshooting problems with 3–885
with maps and materials 1–338
bound vertex 1–297, 3–919
boundary conditions (and tendons) 2–1147
bounding b ox (and envelope creation) 2–1111
bounding box (glossary) 3–919
bounds (inner/outer) 2–1085
BoxGizmo 3–304
standard primitive 1–171
box caustics filter 3–106
box method 2–1242
box selected
render bounding box/selected dialog 3–16
branching events (particle flow) 2–123
spline at selected vertex 1–297
vertices 1–1011
breathe option (links) 2–1091, 2–1136
bricks 2–1658
bridge dialog 1–1067
bridge edges dialog 1–1068
brightness and contrast effect 3–265
browse 2–1070
material/map 2– 1412
browsing from 3ds Max 3–504
sty l ing hair with a 1–529
brush options 1–960
brush preset manager 3–692
brush presets 3–690
BSP method 3–129
BSP method, ray trace acceleration 3–1000
bubble motion rollout (PArray) 2–270
bubble motion with Particle Flow 2–123
bubble notification
communication center 3–716
buckets, distributed rendering 3–124
buffer mode 2–936
build face 1–1011
bulge angle display prop erties dialog 2–1127
bulge angles 2–1114, 2–1141, 3–920
adding 2–1095
changing 2–1095
choosing for editing 2–1095
color 2–1141
deleting 2–1095
parameters 2–1114
setting 2–1095
bulge editor 2–1096, 2–1106, 2–1114, 2–1135, 2–1141
bulge sub-object 2–1127, 2–1141
bulges 2–1111, 2–1113, 3–920
creating 2–1094
fine-tuning 2–1096
overview 2–1093
shaping 2–1096
workflow 2–1094
bump mapping 2–1506, 2–1539
bump shader (mental ray) 2–1716
2.5D snap 2–35
2D snap 2–35
3D snap 2–35
ActiveShade floater 3–21
align 1–462
align camera 1–468
align to view 1–468
angle snap 2–37
animate 3–717
arc rotate 3–744
arra y 1–450
auto key 3–717
bind to space warp 2–58
button sets (utilities) 3–779
clone and align tool 1–459
crossing 1–93
current frame 3–724
dolly camera 3–746
dolly light 3–751
dolly target 3–746, 3–751
edit current event 3–324
edit scene event (video post) 3–329
full screen 3–738
get material 2–1439
go forward to sibling 2–1447
go to end 3–724
go to frame 3–724
go to parent 2–1446
go to start 3–722
light falloff 3–753
light hotspot 3–752
lock selection 2–555
make unique (Material Editor) 2–1442
material and map type 2–1449
Material Editor 2–1427
Material Editor options 2–1436
maximize viewport 3–738
mirror 1–448
new sequence 3–323
next frame 3–724
normal align 1–465
open sequence 3–323