Index 1049
multi-pass parameters 2–1383, 2–1386
orbit/pan 2–1381, 3–749
placing 1–7
roll 3–747
setting lens size 2–1373
target 2–1371
truck 3–748
using clipping planes to exclude geometry 2–1379
using horizon to match perspective 2–1380
using move and rotate to aim 2–1379
using transforms to aim 2–1379
with target 2–1371
zoom 2–1381
candela 3–965
canopy mode 1–214
cap holes modifier 1–569
cap surface 1–1195
capsule 1–195
capture viewport 1–35
car paint material and shader 2–1576
car-wheel constraint 2–757
cartoon shading 2–1605
casement window 1–257
category, hiding and unhiding objects by 1–72
caustics 3–92, 3–106
caustics (mental ray) 3–80
caustics and global illumination rollout 3–106
CCB files 1–950
cellular map 2–1664
center 1–435
center of mass 2–833, 2–933, 3–920
object 2–846
selecting t racks 2–888
shadow 2–846
shifting balance with 2–87 6
tracks in Track View 2–945
chains (kinematic) 2–471, 3–960
and editable splines 1–297
chamfer curve (NURBS) 1–1161
ChamferBox 1–191
ChamferCyl 1–192
editable mesh edges 1–1011
glossary 3–920
chamfer dialog 1–1070
change of value over time 2–578
changed feature 1–334, 2–66, 2–543, 2–1546, 3–149,
3–398, 3–539
biped body parameters 2–844
biped name 2–847
controller properties 2–291
initial biped anatomy 2–846
light objects 2–1282
link inherit ance 2–434
smoothing 1–167
video system 2–1434
changing biped to bones 2–921
channel 1–285
channel (map) 3–966
channel info
skin utilities 2–700
channel info utility 2–1738
character 1–112
character assembly 1–102
and parameter wiring 1–104
create character 1–112
destroy character 1–115
insert animation 3–466
insert character 1–115
lock/unlock 1–115
sav e character 1–115
skin pose 1–116
character modeling 1–842
character studio
assign controller rollout 2–934
definition 2–831
file formats 2–1263
space warp behavior 2–1221
checker map 2–1638
child overlap 2–1130
don’t affect 2–489
choose directory dialog 3–808, 3–810
choose renderer dialog 3–36
child-to-parent precedence 2–469
colors for realism 2–1400
parent-to-child precedence 2–470
playback speed and frame rate 2–288
transform center 1–435
CIBSE files 3–921
cineon image file format dialog 3–610
circle 1–273
falloff gr aph 3–254
circular arrays 1–489
materials 2–1432
clean multimaterial utility 2–1742
clean remove 1–1039
clear UVW mapping 1–933
ratio 2–615
replace 2–634
timing 2–615