1062 Index
edit wire 2–412
editable mesh 1–996, 3–932
aligning 1–1011
edge 1–1006
edit geometry rollout 1–1011
element 1–1009
exploding 1–1011
face 1–1009
object 1–1001
polygon 1–1009
selection rollout 1–999
vertex 1–1003
editable objects and edit modifiers 1–506
editable patch 1–968
attach 1–986
changing vertex type 1–986
deleting vertices 1–986
detach 1–986
edge 1–980
element 1–984
geometry rollout 1–986
handle 1–979
object 1–974
patch 1–981
vector 1–979
vertex 1–975
visibility of 1–989
editable poly 1 –1022
bevel p olygons dialog 1–1066
border 1–1044
bridge borders/polygons dialo g 1–1067
bridge edges dialog 1–1068
chamfer dialog 1–1070
connect edges dialog 1–1070
edge 1–1035
edit geometry rollout 1–1055
extrude edges dialog 1–1073
extrude polygons along spline dialog 1–1071
extrude polygons dialog 1–1072
extrude vertices dialog 1–1073
glossary 3–933
hinge from edge dialog 1–1073
inset polygons dialog 1–1074
meshsmooth selection dialog 1–1074
object 1–1028
paint deformation rollout 1–1064
polygon/element 1–1048
preserve map channels dialog 1–1075
relax dialog 1–1076
selection rollout 1–1024
subdivision displacement rollout 1–1063
subdivision surface rollout 1–1060
tessellate selection dialog 1–1077
vertex 1–1029
weld dialog 1–1077
weld edges dialog 1–1077
weld ver tices dialog 1–1077
editable spline 1–289, 1–842
and overlapping vertices 1–289
attaching to 1–303
general rollout (for object and sub-objects) 1–289
identification numbers and 1–289
object 1–295
rendering options 1–289
segment 1–303
setting vertex type 1–297
spline 1–308
vertex 1–297
vertex area selection 1–289
action parameters (particle view) 2–131
active footsteps in time 2–871
animation 2–304
bones 1–411, 1–413
curve cv sub-objects 1–1127
curve sub-objects 1–1135
fins (bones) 1–413
footstep placement 2–869
footsteps 2–988
footsteps in time 2–869
footsteps in Track View 2–869
modifier stack 1–504
named select ion sets 1–67
point sub-objects 1–1123, 1–1219
strokes 3–865
surface cv sub-objects 1–1130
surface sub-objects 1–1141
time (Track View) 2–566
time tags 3–711
wall objects 1–228
editing t rack sets 2–590
cognitive controller 2–1206
edtiable pat ch
selection rollout 1–971
effects 3–217
auto secondary lens effects 3–238
blur lens effects 3–260
brightness and contrast lens effects 3–265
color balance lens effects 3–265
depth of field lens effects 3–269
effects (rendering menu) 3–218
effects panel 3–219
environment and effects dialog 3–217
file output lens effects 3–266
film grain lens effects 3–268